Hospitalization and Surgical Insurance
  1. Health care costs in Malaysia are relatively high compared to other countries in South East Asia. A sudden illness or accident requiring hospitalization can quickly result in medical bills ratcheting to thousands of Ringgit. Therefore it is essential that you have adequate medical insurance.
  2. Medical and health insurance is mandatory for International Students above 18 years old who intend to apply for a Student Pass in Malaysia.
  3. As an International Student, you are required to purchase Medical and Health Insurance from EMGS and it must be valid for the period of the Student Pass. EMGS Insurance meets the required minimum standard and they offer a range of packages according to the types of coverage.
  4. It is compulsory for all International Students to be covered by the International Student Insurance Scheme throughout the duration of your study at ICOM. For new students, the first year’s premium is paid upon application, together with the International Student Charge. This gives you medical insurance coverage from the time you arrive in Malaysia and begin classes at ICOM to cover any mishap or illness that may require hospitalization and / or surgery.
  5. A Medical Card will be issued to you when you report to ICOM together with a copy of the medical insurance coverage. You must maintain the insurance throughout your stay in Malaysia. You may use the card at selected hospitals, medical centers and clinics to seek medical treatment.
  6. Should you experience a medical emergency (i.e. accident), it may be difficult to contact your parents or guardian immediately when urgent medical attention is required and authorization is required before a doctor can proceed with particular procedures. As such, your parent(s) or guardian must authorize ICOM to sign on their behalf to facilitate your emergency treatment should such a situation occur.
  7. Know the locations of the emergency centers closest to you. Also ensure that you are aware of which hospital or clinics are your insurance policy’s preferred provider and where they are located. Carry your Medical insurance card with you at all times. Should you need to be admitted to the hospital, the Medical Card will ensure you can be admitted without delay. Please contact the International Student Office to inform of your hospitalization.